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Retired cop lobbies for legalizing drugs editorial comment
08-September-2004, United States, Bennington Banner

MANCHESTER -- Of the many drug arrests he's made in more than 20 years as a police captain, none appeared to have made a difference, says Peter Christ. "Nothing," said Christ. "It was like I wasn't even there." That is Christ's front-line ...

Many doctors turning into drug addicts, research ... editorial comment
07-September-2004, South Africa, Pretoria News

Exhausted, driven and with easy access to powerful drugs, many doctors are becoming addicts. These doctors are often terrified that their addictions will destroy their careers, so they keep mum about their habits. These were the findings of ...

Quiet end for cannabis campaigner editorial comment
07-September-2004, United Kingdom, The Herald

A PARALYSED multiple sclerosis sufferer who fought a court battle in an attempt to legally use cannabis to relieve her symptoms has died, it emerged yesterday. Elizabeth Ivol, 56, known as Biz, took ill with a chest infection last week and died ...

View from Europe: comparative justice
06-September-2004, United States, Bangor Daily News

Most Americans are proud of their country and they have many reasons to be. From time to time they give vent to their patriotic feelings in superlatives, saying things like "The U.S. has the best/ strongest/ finest ... in the world." Frequently such ...

It's time to rethink and reform drug laws editorial comment
05-September-2004, United States, The Denver Post

Thoughtful conservatives such as William F. Buckley are joining the call for sweeping reforms, including legalization, taxation and regulated sale of marijuana. America's war on drugs is now in its 90th year. Federal law first ...

Festival focuses on legalizing pot
04-September-2004, United States, TheOlympian.com

OLYMPIA, WA -- Robert White has had to use a wheelchair since 1996, when he was shot in the back at a Tacoma convenience store where he was shopping for a chicken teriyaki dinner. He takes several powerful pain medications every day. But it's ...

No knockdowns yet in Soros vs. Hastert editorial comment
02-September-2004, United States, The Hill

Public hostilities between House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) and George Soros, the billionaire donor to the Democratic Party, went into overdrive yesterday. In a letter, the Speaker chided the activist philanthropist for his efforts to ...

Jail no answer: Drug experts say jail not always ... editorial comment
01-September-2004, Australia, Bunbury Mail

SENDING drug users to jail is not always the best way to deal with the problem, according to a local drug rehabilitation group. St John of God's South West Community Drug Service Team manager Bev Morton said there were times when jail was the ...

Narco Cops Smoking Out Weed Ware editorial comment
01-September-2004, Russia, The Moscow Times.com

Planning on selling that vintage Grateful Dead T-shirt from your college days? Well, don't look for a buyer in Russia. With the narcotics police launching a nationwide campaign against merchandise depicting marijuana leaves, you might just get ...

Pot cafe creates a stir
01-September-2004, Canada, CBC News

The owner of a Vancouver cafe that openly sells marijuana says she's going public, in the hopes that the city and police will let her stay in business. Carol Gwilt says the Da Kine Cafe on Commercial Drive has been selling marijuana over the ...

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