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Paris Hilton vows never to take drugs editorial comment
10-February-2005, United Kingdom, femalefirst.co.uk

Paris Hilton has vowed never to take drugs - because she doesn't want to lose her looks. The hotel heiress says she doesn't even drink alcohol when she's out and has no interest in socialising with people who put illegal substances into their ...

Undercover officers buy,sell drugs as part of ... editorial comment
10-February-2005, United States, Charleston Daily Mail

Charleston police are stepping up efforts to fight the wave of crime that has plagued the West Side and East End by having undercover officers work both sides of the drug trade in sting operations. As a different strategy, undercover officers are ...

Vancouver clinic offers free heroin in North ... editorial comment
10-February-2005, Canada, CBC News

VANCOUVER - A clinic in Vancouver began recruiting heroin addicts to give them free drugs, as part of a national study that's the first of its kind in North America. The North American Opiate Medication Initiative plans to enroll 470 ...

"Human Rights is a very flexible concept" editorial comment
08-February-2005, United Kingdom, Michaelmoore.com

CIA prisoners 'tortured' in Arab jails By Stephen Grey / BBC A former CIA official has confirmed suspicions that dozens of terror suspects have been flown to jails in Middle Eastern countries where torture is routinely practised, and without ...

Bush blank over Texas drugs editorial comment
08-February-2005, United States, ThisisLondon

President Bush was not aware of any steroid use by Texas Rangers players while he was a team executive, the White House insisted today. Jose Canseco claims he introduced three players to steroids after being traded to Texas in 1992, and claimed ...

Drugs, coffee at WorldCom editorial comment
08-February-2005, United States, New York Daily News

BY ROBERT GEARTY DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITER WorldCom lightning rod and former finance chief Scott Sullivan said former CEO Bernie Ebbers (below), who's on trial for fraud, helped him cook books that led to firm's bankruptcy. The chief ...

Is your teenager on drugs? editorial comment
08-February-2005, United States, Eufaula Tribune

Ignorance can be deadly when it comes to teen drug use. That's the message law enforcement officials will share next week during a drug awareness workshop planned for parents and teenagers. Operation Save Teens will be held at the Eufaula ...

Canada has a radical plan for social costs of ... editorial comment
07-February-2005, Canada, seattlepi.com

By MIKE LEWIS SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER REPORTER VANCOUVER, B.C. -- Gina R. is small and sick, 100 pounds of furtive need. Sitting in a coffee shop in East Downtown, her collar covers the abscess in her neck where a handful of times this day -- ...

Ex-TV personality Tashiro handed prison term for ... editorial comment
07-February-2005, Japan, Mainichi Interactive

Disgraced former TV personality Masashi Tashiro, who previously evaded imprisonment after he was found guilty of using drugs, was ordered to spend 3 1/2 years behind bars on Monday for again using stimulants and injecting drugs into his ...

Psych drugs trick rats out of cocaine addiction editorial comment
07-February-2005, United States, ABC News

By Sophie Scott Rats have been successfully cured of cocaine addictions without any withdrawal symptoms through a treatment Melbourne scientists hope will work in humans. Cocaine boosts the levels of dopamines or feel-good hormones, in the ...

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