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Lindsay admits taking drugs editorial comment
03-March-2005, United Kingdom, ThisisLondon

Teenage star Lindsay Lohan has admitted taking drugs - while also lashing out at her troubled father. The 18-year-old US actress said she 'experimented' with marijuana because her cocaine-addict father, who is suing for a share of her earnings, ...

Online sales of mind-altering drugs surges: UN
03-March-2005, Australia, Fair Fax Digital

The illicit sale over the internet of pharmaceutical drugs with narcotic effects surged in 2004, the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) said on Tuesday. "Narcotic and psychotropic substances are increasingly being advertised and ...

State Senate OKs limits on cold medicine editorial comment
03-March-2005, United States, The Business Journal

The Minnesota Senate passed a bill Thursday limiting the sale of popular cold remedies that contain an ingredient found in the narcotic methamaphetamine. The legislation, sponsored by state Sen. Linda Berglin, DFL-Minneapolis, would only allow the ...

Washington state groups offer 'exit strategy' for ... editorial comment
03-March-2005, United States, seattlepi.com

A group of Washington doctors, religious leaders and lawyers offered an "exit strategy" for the war on drugs Thursday, a proposal that would aim to dry up the black market for heroin, marijuana and other substances by having the state regulate their ...

Drugs arrests hit record editorial comment
02-March-2005, United Kingdom, ThisisLondon

Dinner parties with cocaine and cannabis on the menu have sent drug arrests soaring to a new record, official figures showed yesterday. The growing social use of illegal substances was blamed for a quarter rise in the number of people caught ...

UK Has One of Europe's Worst Drugs Problems - UN editorial comment
02-March-2005, United Kingdom, Reuters

Britain ranks in the top three for heroin and ecstasy abuse in Europe and has the biggest amphetamine problem in the region, a United Nations drugs watchdog said on Wednesday. "Cocaine abuse appears to be increasing in the United Kingdom and, to a ...

A New Kind of Drug War editorial comment
28-February-2005, United States, Business Week

The conventional one has been highly costly, with little return. Making narcotics legal -- and very expensive -- can reduce addiction and crime Starting with Richard Nixon, every U.S. President has declared war on drugs. The FBI, CIA, DEA, ...

Aaron Carter 'pictured smoking drugs' editorial comment
27-February-2005, United Kingdom, Digital Spy

Damaging pictures of teen singer Aaron Carter have been published in a US tabloid. In the snaps, the shirtless 17-year-old is seen apparently getting high and puffing away on what the National Enquirer claims is pot. Furthermore, a "friend" who ...

Focus: Drink, drugs and rape editorial comment
27-February-2005, United Kingdom, Times Online

A new study shows more rapes are reported now than ever before but convictions are falling. Experts blame the new binge drinking culture, reports Lois Rogers It’s a typical Saturday night in south London and 50 or more young adults are ...

Who paid for the drugs? editorial comment
27-February-2005, United Kingdom, The Independent

They buy fair-trade coffee, recycle their papers and worry about the environment. Then they buy a gram of coke that leaves children's blood on their hands. Steve Bloomfield travels to Colombia to see the horrific cost of Britain's middle-class ...

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