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One-third fail plant's drug test editorial comment
20-April-2005, United States, SouthBendTribune

By ALICIA GALLEGOS Tribune Staff Writer GOSHEN -- It did not surprise Maryellen Baker Scelsi when she heard that almost a third of employees at a local RV company recently either quit or were fired from their jobs after testing positive for ...

Hundreds of Yokosuka seaman test positive for ... editorial comment
05-March-2005, Japan, Mainichi Interactive

Almost 250 service members from the U.S. Seventh Fleet at Yokosuka Naval Base tested positive for drug use over a three-year period, according to Pacific Stars and Stripes. According to Stars and Stripes, 111 positive drug tests were produced in ...

Milanzi gets drugs ban
06-February-2005, United Kingdom, BBC News

Zambia striker Harry Milanzi has been handed a suspended six-month ban by the South Africa Football Association (Safa) for failing a drug test. Milanzi was also fined US$2,500 after traces of marijuana were recently found in his blood. But ...

Taking the crime out of drugs editorial comment
26-January-2005, China, China Daily

The community methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) programme is proving an effective therapy for keeping heroin addicts off illegal narcotics and reducing drug-related crime in East China's Zhejiang Province. So far, about 300 addicts in the ...

AFL announces party drug law editorial comment
13-January-2005, Australia, The Australian

PLAYERS could be suspended for as many as 12 matches if they test positive three times for illegal social drugs. The AFL announced its Illicit Drugs Policy yesterday, covering substances such as marijuana and ecstasy. The Australian Sports ...

Tories Urge Compulsory Drugs Tests in Schools editorial comment
06-January-2005, United Kingdom, Scotsman.com

Schools should be able to force pupils to be tested for drugs, the Tories said today. A Kent school has introduced random drug-testing, but only those students willing to take part will be tested. But shadow education secretary Tim Collins ...

Driver drugs testing a 'fiasco' editorial comment
23-December-2004, Australia, The Age

State Opposition Leader Robert Doyle has labelled the Government's roadside drug testing regime a "fiasco", and has pinned the blame for the program's apparent failure on police minister Andre Haermeyer. Pressure is mounting on the Victorian ...

Novi should reject plan to randomly test athletes editorial comment
18-December-2004, United States, Detroit Free Press

Novi Community Schools and parents in the district should reject a proposal to randomly test high school athletes. Mandatory drugs tests, even if sanctioned by the U.S. Supreme Court, are an unwarranted invasion of privacy and a poor civics ...

Police defend roadside drugs test editorial comment
15-December-2004, Australia, The Age

Victoria Police have denied its officers identified to the media the world's first driver alleged to have returned a positive roadside drug test. John De Jong, 39, says he is considering suing the police force after media reports on Monday ...

Drugs in Sports: No Outrage? editorial comment
08-December-2004, United States, The Christian Science Monitor

The three-martini lunch in America is a social relic. Smoking in most workplaces and restaurants is banned. So when will the cultural shift that made these unsavory practices un-cool also spread to the world of sports - where doping ...

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