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A Prohibition-Style Crime Wave
23-November-2004, United States, Alternet

The more the government spends on the drug war, the more violent crime increases. One researcher says eliminating drug prohibition could reduce the homicide rate by up to 75 percent. The U.S. government spends $33 billion annually on the "war ...

More women in U.S. prisons than ever editorial comment
07-November-2004, United States, The Globe and Mail

Washington — The number of women in state and federal prisons is at an all-time high and growing fast, with the incarceration rate for females increasing at nearly twice that of men, the government reported Sunday. There were 101,179 women in ...

Prison Issues, Drug War Hardly Factor Into ... editorial comment
01-November-2004, United States, The New Standard

With over two million people behind bars, the US has a higher percentage of its citizens and residents locked up than does any other country. And as those incarceration rates continue to disproportionately hit communities of color and low-income ...

Marijuana Arrests at All-Time High, Far Exceed ... editorial comment
29-October-2004, United States, DRC Net

The FBI reported Saturday that the number of arrests for violations of the marijuana laws hit an all-time high of 755,186 in 2003. Despite a decade of marijuana law reforms and protestations by police chiefs across the land that marijuana is not a ...

California Initiative to Rein-In Three-Strikes ... editorial comment
22-October-2004, United States, DRC

Ten years ago, California voters frightened by violent crime and led by politicians who manipulated that fear voted to enact what is popularly known as the three-strikes-you're-out law. Under three-strikes, persons with two previous violent or ...

Mandatory time doesn't fit the crime editorial comment
21-October-2004, United States, Central Florida Future

In the game of Monopoly there is a space on the board that says "Go directly to jail." There is something very similar to this in the game of life, mandatory minimum sentences. Get busted trafficking drugs, go directly to jail. No complaints or ...

Life sentence of drugs must end
16-October-2004, United Kingdom, Scotsman.com

FOR those working to reduce the damaging consequences of Scotland’s drug problem, this week’s "revelations" about drugs entering Edinburgh Prison are nothing new. As we have seen over the last 20 years, whatever we do, drugs will continue to get to ...

Nation's Jails Stuffed With Drug Offenders, ...
23-July-2004, United States, Drug Reform Coordination Network

In its latest survey of the nation's jail populations, the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) reported that 665,475 people were being held in local lock-ups as of June 30, 2002. Of that number, 156,000 were doing time for drug ...

Jail and Prison Population at an All-Time High -- ...
04-June-2004, United States, Drug Reform Coordination Network

For the thirty-first straight year, the number of people America throws behind bars has increased, leaving the nation with an all-time high of nearly 2.1 million people incarcerated at the end of June 2003, according to an annual report released ...

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