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Mother who smuggled drugs to prison jailed editorial comment
16-May-2005, United Kingdom, Cambridge Evening News

A WOMAN who tried to smuggle cannabis to her boyfriend in Littlehey Prison was led sobbing "my children, my children" from the dock at Peterborough Crown Court as she was jailed. Margaret O'Reilly, 21, who was sent down for 14 months, stood to ...

Woman jailed over prescription drugs slams UAE editorial comment
12-May-2005, United Arab Emirates, Reuters

A British woman who spent two months in a Dubai jail after traces of prescription drugs were found in her body returned home on Thursday describing her treatment in the United Arab Emirates as "disgusting". Tracy Wilkinson, 44, was arrested by ...

The War on Pot editorial comment
10-May-2005, United States, National Review

As the nation's "drug czar," John Walters is supposed to be saving us from the ravages of hard drugs like heroin and cocaine. At least that was the original sales pitch for the "war on drugs" in the 1980s. But the war has evolved into largely a ...

Woman in Arab jail after taking prescription ... editorial comment
25-April-2005, United Arab Emirates, Telegraph

A campaign has been launched to free a British woman being held in a Middle East jail after prescription drugs were found in her system. Tracy Wilkinson, 44, has been in jail in the United Arab Emirates since March 5 when she was arrested at ...

U.S. Prison Population, World's Highest, Up Again editorial comment
24-April-2005, United States, Reuters

The U.S. penal system, the world's largest, maintained its steady growth in 2004, the Department of Justice reported on Sunday. The latest official half-yearly figures found the nation's prison and jail population at 2,131,180 in the middle of ...

Cops win small battle, but U.S. is blowing drug ... editorial comment
08-April-2005, United States, Chicago Sun Times

Tim Trevier is a big man with 15 titanium earrings, a diamond nose ring, a leather do-rag and a modified fu manchu. If you saw him on the street, you'd look twice, but it would never cross your mind that he is cop. At 42, he has been a police ...

Kirk: Drugs common at jail editorial comment
17-March-2005, United States, The Jackson Sun

By TAJUANA CHESHIER tcheshier@jacksonsun.com Mar 17 2005 Witness got pregnant while serving time at McNairy County Jail SELMER - Despite defense attorneys' efforts on Wednesday to have McNairy County Sheriff Tommy Riley and Jail ...

War on drugs entangles women editorial comment
17-March-2005, United States, Billings Gazette

America's war on drugs is inflicting deep and disproportionate harm on women - most of them mothers - who are filling prisons in ever-rising numbers despite their typically minor roles in drug rings, the American Civil Liberties Union and two other ...

Raaz in trouble over drugs charge, India seeks ... editorial comment
17-February-2005, India, The Indian Express

India has sought consular access to Bollywood actor Vijay Raaz, who was allegedly caught with narcotics at the Abu Dhabi airport in the United Arab Emirates on Monday. Indian Ambassador to UAE, Sudhir Vyas, is also learnt to have sought a report ...

Ex-TV personality Tashiro handed prison term for ... editorial comment
07-February-2005, Japan, Mainichi Interactive

Disgraced former TV personality Masashi Tashiro, who previously evaded imprisonment after he was found guilty of using drugs, was ordered to spend 3 1/2 years behind bars on Monday for again using stimulants and injecting drugs into his ...

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