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New drugs raising concern editorial comment
13-June-2005, United States, deseretnews.com

By Pat Reavy Deseret Morning News Abuse of the popular painkiller Oxycontin has caused problems for law enforcement and doctors for years. Now the rising popularity of two other drugs is causing added concern along the Wasatch Front. ...

Addictive drugs given to US sleep deprived - ... editorial comment
01-June-2005, United States, Reuters AlerNet

Doctors prescribe potentially addictive drugs nearly half the time when patients seek help with a sleep disorder, U.S. researchers reported on Wednesday. Older patients and those with publicly funded health insurance plans were nearly twice as ...

This pill will make you smarter editorial comment
14-May-2005, United States, NewScientist

HAVING problems performing in the sack? Take Viagra. Got the jitters before that important presentation? Try beta blockers. Need to stay awake to finish that assignment? Pop a Provigil pill. For those prepared to pay, the growing list of ...

Woman jailed over prescription drugs slams UAE editorial comment
12-May-2005, United Arab Emirates, Reuters

A British woman who spent two months in a Dubai jail after traces of prescription drugs were found in her body returned home on Thursday describing her treatment in the United Arab Emirates as "disgusting". Tracy Wilkinson, 44, was arrested by ...

The newest war on drugs editorial comment
12-February-2005, United States, USNews.com

When Anne's grandmother was hospitalized two years ago with chest pains, she couldn't remember what medications she was on. So doctors sent Anne to the woman's home in eastern Washington State to look in her cabinets. What they found shocked both ...

Medicare will cover Viagra, similar drugs editorial comment
02-February-2005, United States, Startribune

Sexual performance drugs such as Viagra will be covered in Medicare's new prescription drug program, a lifestyle rather than lifesaving benefit that conservatives and watchdog groups say the government shouldn't provide. Prescriptions for Viagra, ...

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