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Former judge calls drug war a 'failure' editorial comment
17-November-2005, United States, Sierra Times

RALEIGH, N.C. -- North Carolina should consider decriminalizing illegal drugs as it tries to stem the need for additional prisons, a former state Supreme Court chief justice said Monday. Burley Mitchell, the state's top judge from 1995 to 1999, ...

Bleak news from the drug war editorial comment
28-October-2005, United States, Recordnet

To me, Red Ribbon Week is a time not only to make the good arguments against drugs to kids, but time to salvage what shreds of national sanity remain after decades of America's war on drugs. Next to solving every foreign policy problem ...

New strategies for the old war against drugs editorial comment
18-October-2005, Canada, The Globe and Mail

Whether we like it or not, we appear headed for what will certainly be a loud and rancorous debate over this country's drug policies. And framing the discussion will be the ever-growing view of health professionals that it's time to turn convention ...

Vets Against the (Drug) War editorial comment
28-September-2005, United States, Forth Worth Weekly

Howard Woolridge is outside of Utica, N.Y., heading east on horseback on a beautiful late summer day. He’s wearing a t-shirt with the slogan “Cops Say Legalize Drugs. Ask Me Why.” For the last 3,000 miles, he’s been switching off between his two ...

Against the drug war editorial comment
16-August-2005, United States, The Washington Times

There has always been a certain resistance on the right to the war on drugs. One of the most persuasive texts on that front came in 1972, when the National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse put forth a report entitled "Marihuana: A Signal of ...

Why feds should take over U.S. marijuana sales editorial comment
30-July-2005, United States, Chicago Sun Times

BY RONALD FRASER Illinoisans spend about $207 million each year to enforce state and local marijuana laws. What are these taxpayers getting for their money? Not much, according to a recent study. Jon B. Gettman, a senior fellow at George ...

Let's win the war on drugs editorial comment
16-June-2005, United States, Charlotte Observer

From John Emerson, assistant special agent in charge of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration's Charlotte District office: Observer community columnist Bill Reeside Jr. wrote ("Call off the war on drugs," May 26) that deadly narcotics such as ...

If you want to cut gun crime, first you have to ... editorial comment
12-June-2005, United Kingdom, Times Online

Stories of the latest war on gun crime appeared last week flanked by advertisements for a film called Mr & Mrs Smith. A glamorous couple were depicted with handguns as sexually explicit fashion items. Gun laws are like gun movies. They are erotic ...

Justices Say U.S. May Prohibit the Use of Medical ... editorial comment
07-June-2005, United States, The New York Times

The Supreme Court on Monday upheld the power of Congress to prohibit and prosecute the possession and use of marijuana for medical purposes, even in the 11 states that permit it. The 6-to-3 decision, a firm reassertion of federal authority, ...

Dutch support legalizing marijuana in Netherlands
27-April-2005, Netherlands, Jerusalem Post

Two polls released Wednesday showed strong support in the Netherlands for legalizing marijuana outright after several decades of a tolerance policy. Newspaper Trouw interviewed the mayors of the Netherlands' 30 largest cities, and two-thirds ...

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