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Scariest drugs are legal ones editorial comment
09-January-2005, United States, New York Daily News

In 1969, as a hippie kid at Woodstock, I sat in the mud with a score of Brooklyn pilgrims from Prospect Park's Hippie Hill listening to festival organizers shouting over the loudspeakers to the 400,000 zonked-out druggies, "Beware of the brown acid, ...

Legalizing street drugs an experiment worth ...
03-January-2005, United States, The Seattle Times

Can a single city do anything to change drug policies that are delivering terror to our inner-city streets, diverting police, clogging our courts, breaking up families, and making a once-proud America quite literally the incarceration capital of the ...

Black Legislators: Drug War Has Failed editorial comment
02-January-2005, United States, Pacific news Service

Eyeing the failure of California voters to repeal Three Strikes laws, the National Black Caucus of State Legislators has approved a resolution condemning the "war on drugs" and calling for "alternatives to failed polices." Among their ...

20-December-2004, United Kingdom, The Whiteheaven News

THE danger drug ecstasy is now cheaper to buy in Whitehaven than many alcoholic drinks, a shocked court has heard. The street value of the Class A drug has plummeted to an EIGHTH of its value from a year ago. The revelation was made during the ...

The ‘Drug War’ toll mounts editorial comment
13-December-2004, United States, The Eureka Reporter

In Washington, D.C., a 27-year-old quadriplegic is sentenced to 10 days in jail for marijuana possession, where he died under suspicious circumstances. In Florida, a wheelchair-bound multiple sclerosis patient now serves a 25-year prison sentence ...

Afghan president says 'fight drugs like Russians' editorial comment
09-December-2004, Afghanistan, Reuters

Afghan President Hamid Karzai has urged his countrymen to tackle the war on drugs with the same zeal they fought the Red Army during the Soviet Union's decade-long occupation that ended in 1990. Speaking two days after being sworn in as the ...

Cheaper, easier to get, harder to police: ... editorial comment
28-November-2004, United Kingdom, The Independent

An ecstasy tablet that costs as little as a bar of chocolate and a line of cocaine for the price of a glass of wine. Many illegal drugs are cheaper and more widely available than ever before in Britain, despite the relentless attack by Customs and ...

Street price of drugs crashes to record low editorial comment
28-November-2004, United Kingdom, The Independent

The average street price of illegal drugs is at the lowest level for a decade, according to new figures. The cost of a line of cocaine is now less than a glass of wine in some parts of Britain. A tablet of ecstasy costs as little as £1. The ...

War on drugs may doom jungle towns editorial comment
28-November-2004, Colombia, Houston Chronicle

Back when this jungle outpost was a drug-fueled boomtown ruled by Marxist rebels, cargo planes landed by the hour to unload rice, rum and chemicals to make cocaine. Cantinas and bordellos overflowed with customers. Instead of Colombian pesos, ...

War on drugs is new battleground for party ... editorial comment
26-November-2004, United Kingdom, Times Online

TONY BLAIR and Michael Howard promised firmer action on drugs as figures published yesterday showed that more 15-year-olds have tried cannabis in England than in any other European country. The EU survey revealed that Britain also has the highest ...

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