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The Big Question: Is the 'war on drugs' really ... editorial comment
31-July-2008, United Kingdom, The Independent

By Michael Savage Why are we asking this now? Because if confirmation were needed that crackdowns on drug use in the UK were having little effect, it came in a report by the UK Drug Policy Commission (UKDPC), an independent group set up to ...

Mexico's Fox balks at signing drug law editorial comment
04-May-2006, Mexico, CNN

Mexican President Vicente Fox backed off a bill that would have decriminalized possession of small amounts of drugs, sending it back to Congress for changes rather than signing it into law. The announcement late Wednesday came after U.S. ...

Drug war dropout calls effort a ‘failure’ editorial comment
03-April-2006, United States, Lawrence Journal World

For more than 14 years, Jack Cole fought the war on drugs as a New Jersey state narcotics agent. Now, he’s had enough. “It’s not only a dismal failure, but a terribly destructive policy,” he said. Cole said he quit the narcotics force in ...

US War on Drugs: elusive victory, disputed ... editorial comment
07-March-2006, United States, Reuters

Despite three decades of upbeat reports on battles won in the war on drugs, cocaine, heroin and marijuana are as easily available as ever and experts say the United States has yet to develop a strategy that works. Just as in previous years, the ...

Drug Database: Prescription for Trouble editorial comment
08-February-2006, United States, The Cato Institute

"The White House Wednesday will announce a national anti-drug strategy that includes prodding more states to set up databases that can track people who get multiple prescriptions of frequently abused prescription drugs such as OxyContin and ...

Critics say U.S. war on drugs in Colombia failing editorial comment
02-February-2006, Colombia, Chicago Tribune

Six years after the U.S. initiated an anti-narcotics program in Colombia, American policymakers and experts are at odds over whether the effort has significantly reduced the supply of cocaine reaching U.S. shores. Since 2000, the U.S. has poured ...

Potent Mexican Meth Floods In as States Curb ... editorial comment
23-January-2006, United States, GoUpstate.com

In the seven months since Iowa passed a law restricting the sale of cold medicines used to make methamphetamine, seizures of homemade methamphetamine laboratories have dropped to just 20 a month from 120. People once terrified about the neighbor's ...

'Legalising drugs would halve prisoner numbers' editorial comment
15-December-2005, United Kingdom, icBerkshire

READING probation officer Bob Turney says it is time to stop pouring billions of pounds into a never-ending war against drugs and open a hysteria-free debate about legalisation. His job offers him an insight into the criminal underworld because ...

Wishing Drug-Warrior Thinking editorial comment
01-December-2005, United States, The National Review

you had received a dollar every time a U.S. government official announced that victory was near at hand in the war on drugs, you would be a rich person. The latest "turning point" proclamation came on November 16 when the White House Office of ...

The war on Colombia's cocaine industry editorial comment
18-October-2005, Colombia, BBC News

Plan Colombia - the $3bn (£1.7bn) US effort to hit cocaine at its source - has become embroiled in the country's 40-year armed conflict. The BBC's Paul Kenyon travels with the Junglas, an elite anti-narcotics unit, as they comb the Colombian ...

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