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Drug War or Race War? editorial comment
13-March-2006, United States, New Haven Independent

It's been 10 years since Sheldon Tucker saw the inside of a prison. Tucker (at right in photo, with criminal defense attorney Norm Pattis, at left) and others at a local forum on the drug war spoke about why so many young people of color have ...

Tougher drug laws only scratch the surface of the ... editorial comment
13-March-2006, Australia, Fairfax Digital

A police-led war on drugs might be easy politics but it is lazy and ineffective policy, writes Andrew Macintosh. A campaign is being waged by the federal and NSW governments to strengthen drug laws, particularly those concerning cannabis, in what ...

Student group drums up opposition to drug war editorial comment
05-March-2006, United States, Student group drums up opposition to drug war

Gary Davey smokes marijuana and credits the drug with relieving pain from injuries he received in a head-on collision that shattered most of his bones from the waist down and confined him to a wheelchair in 1989. Corley Koprowski, a University of ...

Just Say Yes: U.S.O.C. Hires a Maker of ... editorial comment
16-November-2005, United States, The New York Times

Departing from its traditional just-say-no stance toward nutritional supplement use by athletes, the United States Olympic Committee has taken a new approach: signing up a supplement manufacturer as an official supporter and requiring every batch of ...

I-100 author smokes foes editorial comment
03-November-2005, United States, Rocky Mountain News

23-year-old turns tables on drug war with Denver victory By Alan Gathright, Rocky Mountain News November 3, 2005 It's not even noon and Mason Tvert already has hit seven television and five radio news shows in his post-election victory lap as ...

U.S. needs more sensible drug policy editorial comment
03-November-2005, United States, Norther Star Online

Article By: • David Conard • dconard@northernstar.info "Drugs are bad, m’kay" So says Mr. Mackey, the school counselor from the "South Park" cartoon. That’s an oversimplification, which might be what the show’s creators are saying. Mr. ...

War on Drugs Impedes New Beginning for Some ... editorial comment
27-September-2005, United States, Drug Policy Alliance

In the days and weeks following Hurricane Katrina (and the more recent Hurricane Rita), the media has reported on the abuse of human rights of mostly poor and black people. But what has been discussed far less is the government’s response to another ...

New Orleans editorial comment
03-September-2005, United States, The New York Times

Quote: In the radio interview, Mayor Nagin blamed much of the widespread crime on crazed drug addicts cut off from their fixes.

So, you call this a victory in the drug war? editorial comment
21-July-2005, United States, Inside Bay Area

WHEN I visited Richard Paey, it quickly became clear that he posed no menace to society in his new home here in Zephyrhills, Fla., a high-security state prison near Tampa, where he was serving a 25-year sentence. The fences, topped with ribbon wire, ...

Drugs policy up in smoke editorial comment
15-May-2005, United Kingdom, Times Online

While Mark Lewis-Francis has lost a silver medal after traces of cannabis were found in his urine, blatant cheating over samples is left unpunished. SOMETIMES you’ve got to laugh at the lengths to which sportsmen go to plead their innocence. ...

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