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Hallandale man died after cops used Taser editorial comment
06-November-2004, United States, Herald.com

A Broward County man died shortly after Miami police used a stun gun on him, the first such death for the department since it began using the weapons, officials confirmed Friday. Jon Merkle, 40, of Hallandale Beach, died on Sept. 20 after Officer ...

The Usual Suspects editorial comment
03-November-2004, United States, Alternet

It began, as many drug stings do, with a lucky break. In November 2002, a traffic cop pulled over a driver ferrying crack cocaine on U.S. Highway 79 into the small east Texas town of Palestine. Police believed they had caught a glimpse into a drug ...

Federal Judge Rules Cops Can Lie on the Stand editorial comment
22-October-2004, United States, DRC

We've all heard about the "drug exception" to the Fourth Amendment, but what about the "drug exception" to the laws governing perjury? According to a Sunday report in the Knoxville (Tennessee) Sentinel-News, that may be okay, too. US District Court ...

Accused cocaine dealers could lose homes, ... editorial comment
21-October-2004, United States, The News Item

WILLIAMSPORT — A Coal Township man and a Sunbury resident, who were among seven defendants indicated in August as part of a grand investigation into a drug ring that stretches from Northumberland County to the West Coast, are in danger of having ...

One cannot overcome a drug conviction editorial comment
17-October-2004, United States, The Bloomington Alternative

What do the following public figures have in common? William Jefferson Clinton, George W. Bush, Joe Kernan, Mitch Daniels, Al Gore, Rush Limbaugh. Answer: They have all used illicit drugs or been addicted to licit drugs. In a recent debate here ...

Newsbrief: Another Killer Cop Walks Free
08-October-2004, United States, DRC

Former Louisville police detective McKenzie Mattingly, 31, was acquitted of murder charges in the January 3rd killing of black Louisville teenager Michael Newby. Working an undercover drug buy operation, Mattingly shot Newby, 19, three times in the ...

Narco Cops Smoking Out Weed Ware editorial comment
01-September-2004, Russia, The Moscow Times.com

Planning on selling that vintage Grateful Dead T-shirt from your college days? Well, don't look for a buyer in Russia. With the narcotics police launching a nationwide campaign against merchandise depicting marijuana leaves, you might just get ...

Dozen drinkers found to be using drugs editorial comment
15-August-2004, United Kingdom, thisislocalllondon

Twelve people tested positive to using illegal drugs in an Addlestone pub, after a new machine detected traces of substances. Surrey Police officers tested 67 people, in the Crouch Oak pub, in Station Road, with the Iontrack Itemiser III, which ...

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