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Vote for freedom, vote Libertarian editorial comment
19-October-2004, United States, Minnesota Daily

I sympathize with the so-called “undecided” voters, but I know they are not really undecided. They have come to the firm conclusion that voting for either one of the two leading presidential candidates will be a humiliating compromise of their moral ...

Beslan Terrorists Were Drug Addicts: Russian ... editorial comment
18-October-2004, Russia, HealthTalk

The terrorists who took hostages at a Beslan secondary school on September 1, were addicted to narcotics, according to a statement by Russia's Deputy Prosecutor General, Nikolay Shepel. According to Russian news agencies, Nikolay Shepel said ...

Mandatory Sentencing Crowds Jails But Still Isn't ...
18-October-2004, United States, MTV.com

Get caught trafficking drugs, go to jail. No ifs, ands or parole. Any questions? That was the message behind Congress' 1986 Anti-Drug Abuse Act. The law created mandatory minimum penalties for first-time drug traffickers, which based jail time on ...

Mutu 'Shocked' over Drugs Test Claims editorial comment
18-October-2004, United Kingdom, Scotsman.com

Adrian Mutu’s agent has described the Chelsea striker as “absolutely shocked” over claims he has failed a drugs test. The Mail on Sunday yesterday reported that the Romanian had tested positive for a banned substance after a test conducted by UK ...

Positive test has 'destroyed' Mutu editorial comment
18-October-2004, United Kingdom, CNN.com

LONDON, England -- Chelsea's Romanian striker Adrian Mutu has failed a drug test his agent Gica Popescu confirmed on Monday and could face a ban of up two years from domestic and international soccer. Popescu said: "Mutu is destroyed. I told him ...

US billionaire who escaped NZ drugs conviction ... editorial comment
18-October-2004, New Zealand, New Zealand News

The Ohio billionaire who escaped a drugs conviction in New Zealand has poured millions into John Kerry's presidential election campaign. Peter Lewis, also a multimillion-dollar backer of attempts to liberalise America's marijuana laws, spent ...

One cannot overcome a drug conviction editorial comment
17-October-2004, United States, The Bloomington Alternative

What do the following public figures have in common? William Jefferson Clinton, George W. Bush, Joe Kernan, Mitch Daniels, Al Gore, Rush Limbaugh. Answer: They have all used illicit drugs or been addicted to licit drugs. In a recent debate here ...

Life sentence of drugs must end
16-October-2004, United Kingdom, Scotsman.com

FOR those working to reduce the damaging consequences of Scotland’s drug problem, this week’s "revelations" about drugs entering Edinburgh Prison are nothing new. As we have seen over the last 20 years, whatever we do, drugs will continue to get to ...

COCAINE BUSTS editorial comment
15-October-2004, Singapore, straitstimes

THE Rolls-Royce driving executive arrested last week by narcotics officers has been identified as top financial broker Andrew Veale. The Briton, who has worked in Singapore for almost 10 years, was among 23 people hauled in when the Central ...

Newsbrief: AMT, Foxy Methoxy Permanently Placed ... editorial comment
15-October-2004, United States, DRC Net

With a notice in the Federal Register on September 29, the DEA issued a "final rule" placing the psychedelic typtamines Alpha-Methyltryptamine (AMT) and 5-Methoxy-N,N-Diisopropyltryptamine (Foxy Methoxy) in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances ...

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