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Warrant out for 'no show' Sri Lankan in cocaine ... editorial comment
16-December-2004, Singapore, Todayonline

A warrant of arrest has been issued for a suspect in the high profile cocaine bust after he failed to turn up in court yesterday. . In a fax tendered through his lawyer, Sri Lankan Jeremy Mahen Chanmugam, 40, said he was unable to attend the ...

Police defend roadside drugs test editorial comment
15-December-2004, Australia, The Age

Victoria Police have denied its officers identified to the media the world's first driver alleged to have returned a positive roadside drug test. John De Jong, 39, says he is considering suing the police force after media reports on Monday ...

Bill Murray cannabis smuggling cost him medical ... editorial comment
14-December-2004, United Kingdom, femaleforst.co.uk

Bill Murray claims being caught smuggling 9lbs of cannabis through customs cost him his chance of becoming a doctor. The Hollywood actor was caught with the drug at Chicago's O'Hare Airport in 1970, and Bill says he had to quit Denver's Regis ...

College Fails in Bid to Grow Marijuana editorial comment
14-December-2004, United States, The New York Times

A longstanding request to grow marijuana at the University of Massachusetts so it can be tested for medical uses has been turned down by the Drug Enforcement Administration. The decision was faxed to the university on Friday and made public ...

The ‘Drug War’ toll mounts editorial comment
13-December-2004, United States, The Eureka Reporter

In Washington, D.C., a 27-year-old quadriplegic is sentenced to 10 days in jail for marijuana possession, where he died under suspicious circumstances. In Florida, a wheelchair-bound multiple sclerosis patient now serves a 25-year prison sentence ...

A war on drugs or a war on tradition?
12-December-2004, Taiwan, Taipei Times

Opium has always been associated, for better or worse, with China. And almost invariably it's been for the worse. The myth, in both the Christian West and the communist East, has been that this pernicious substance was brought to the Celestial ...

D'Angelo Busted for Drugs editorial comment
12-December-2004, United States, RollingStone.com

Neo-soul star D'Angelo was arrested Sunday and charged with drunken driving, possession of marijuana and possession of a controlled substance (believed to be cocaine) after police pulled him over in a suburb of his hometown of Richmond, Virginia. ...

12-December-2004, United States, MercuryNews.com

Although they wear the same standard-issue black robes, it's difficult to confuse U.S. Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia -- an impassioned conservative with thick, dark hair -- with John Paul Stevens -- an ardent liberal whose mane is as white ...

Bill Charges Pregnant Women On Drugs During Birth
11-December-2004, United States, 14 WFIE

Intelligence in action. The mother in jail, and the child becoming the responsibility of the state. Nice thinking. Does this cover tobacco and alcohol too? Well, Indiana is a tobacco producer, so paraphernalia guesses not. Good work gentlemen!

Marijuana Ban Stirs Debate editorial comment
10-December-2004, Korea, The Korea Times

Describing marijuana as a narcotic or not is emerging as a hot issue in South Korea, with a number of celebrities and experts claiming the law banning smoking marijuana is unconstitutional. The Drug-Related Criminology Institute on Friday held a ...

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