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Consumers caught in meth war crossfire editorial comment
14-August-2005, United States, The Oregonian

The latest insanity in the war on drugs comes to you from Georgia. As The New York Times reported, the feds arrested 49 convenience store clerks and owners -- essentially for selling legal cold and allergy pills. "Operation Meth Merchant" is the ...

Colombia weighs fresh tack in drug war editorial comment
11-August-2005, Colombia, The Christian Science Monitor

In a bid to further eliminate coca crops and cut off funding for armed rebels, President Alvaro Uribe has proposed that the government pay peasant farmers for their coca crops. Uribe made the bold and controversial offer late last month at a town ...

U.S. Threatens to Pull Venezuela Drug War ... editorial comment
11-August-2005, Venezuela, Venezualananalysis.com

By: Dan Feder - Narco News Bulletin United States “anti-drug” policy faces a major setback in Venezuela this week, and the drug warriors are loosening their ties as the heat rises. At the State Department’s press briefing yesterday, Deputy ...

Debunking the Drug War editorial comment
09-August-2005, United States, The New York Times

America has a serious drug problem, but it's not the "meth epidemic" getting so much publicity. It's the problem identified by William Bennett, the former national drug czar and gambler. "Using drugs," he wrote, "is wrong not simply because ...

Mexico's drug war threatens Americans editorial comment
06-August-2005, Mexico, azcentral

Last September, Brenda Cisneros was celebrating her 23rd birthday with her family at a restaurant in Laredo, Texas, when she begged her father to let her go to a concert with a friend across the border in Nuevo Laredo. "Please, Daddy, I'm a ...

Where rivers run high on cocaine editorial comment
05-August-2005, Italy, Times Online

THE rivers of Italy are flowing with cocaine, say scientists who have adopted a new approach to measuring the extent of drug misuse. The biggest river, the Po, carries the equivalent of about 4kg (8lb 13oz) of the drug a day, with a street value of ...

Bush vows to sustain aid for Colombia drug war editorial comment
04-August-2005, Colombia, Reuters AlerNet

U.S. President George W. Bush pledged on Thursday to sustain funding for Colombia's fight against drugs and violence even as a senior State Department official said Washington would like to reduce its anti-narcotics aid. As a close partner in the ...

Court slams door on Corby editorial comment
04-August-2005, Indonesia, Herald Sun

SCHAPELLE Corby was dealt a shattering blow when three Balinese judges shut down her reopened drugs trial yesterday and refused to grant lawyers more time to find new witnesses. Another judge also ruled out the possibility of Australian ...

Cultural Differences Complicate a Georgia Drug ... editorial comment
04-August-2005, United States, The New York Times

When they charged 49 convenience store clerks and owners in rural northwest Georgia with selling materials used to make methamphetamine, federal prosecutors declared that they had conclusive evidence. Hidden microphones and cameras, they said, had ...

Protesters fear Canada caught in drug war editorial comment
04-August-2005, Canada, 24 Hours Vancouver

Canada is being forced to fight the U.S. war on drugs on its own soil, says the B.C. Civil Liberties Association. Vancouver police were directly involved in the U.S.-led investigation that saw pot activist Marc Emery arrested last week as part ...

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