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 Result for the keyword "marijuana". [remove filter

04-March-2004, Switzerland, swissinfo

The United Nations International Narcotics Control Board ( INCB ) has sharply criticised aspects of Switzerland's drugs policy. The INCB said plans to decriminalise cannabis and the provision of injection rooms for heroin addicts were steps in ...

Canadian PM Mulls Smoking Marijuana When He ...
05-October-2003, Canada, Reuters

Now Canada can understand why Prime Minister Jean Chretien seems to be in such a hurry to push through a law decriminalizing marijuana. Chretien, 69, said in an interview published on Friday that he might give pot a try once it is no longer a ...

Reefer Madness redux editorial comment
05-September-2002, Canada, CBC News

The best pot I ever smoked came from a cabernet sauvignon vineyard in California, outside my cottage in the Napa Valley. It was minty-green and very mild. I liked to sit on my patio in the early-evening light, sipping red wine from the same vineyard ...

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