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Kirk: Drugs common at jail editorial comment
17-March-2005, United States, The Jackson Sun

By TAJUANA CHESHIER tcheshier@jacksonsun.com Mar 17 2005 Witness got pregnant while serving time at McNairy County Jail SELMER - Despite defense attorneys' efforts on Wednesday to have McNairy County Sheriff Tommy Riley and Jail ...

US seeks Colombian help on drugs editorial comment
23-February-2005, United States, Financial Times

US counter-narcotics authorities are examining controversial policies used in Colombia, the world's top cocaine producer, to formulate efforts to combat the flow of drugs from Afghanistan, the world's leading supplier of heroin. John Walters, ...

Undercover officers buy,sell drugs as part of ... editorial comment
10-February-2005, United States, Charleston Daily Mail

Charleston police are stepping up efforts to fight the wave of crime that has plagued the West Side and East End by having undercover officers work both sides of the drug trade in sting operations. As a different strategy, undercover officers are ...

Reduce prison drugs, police urge editorial comment
26-November-2004, United Kingdom, BBC News

Senior police officers are urging the government to do more to cut the amount of illegal drugs smuggled into prisons. Nottinghamshire Deputy Chief Constable Howard Roberts has told the Home Office that chances to change inmates' lifestyles are ...

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