NARCOTIC FERVOR:Marines say Fallujah insurgents ...
13-January-2005, United States, The Union Leader
Although the ferocity of insurgents is generally attributed to religious fervor and a hatred of America, Marines who participated in the November assault on Fallujah say many of their foes also had something else to bolster their tenacity: ...
Afghanistan's Drugs
27-November-2004, Afghanistan,
PRESIDENT BUSH visited Colombia on Monday to celebrate that nation's progress in the war on drugs. With the help of U.S. money and military equipment, the Colombians have attacked traffickers, extradited dozens of their leaders and fumigated ...
Focus on Terror, Not Drugs
27-October-2004, Afghanistan, Cato Institute
The war on drugs is interfering with the US effort to destroy al-Qaeda and the Taleban in Afghanistan. American officials increasingly want to eradicate drugs, as well as nurture Afghanistan's embryonic democracy, symbolised by the pro-western ...
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