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Addiction behind the burka: how Afghan women use ... editorial comment
30-September-2004, Afghanistan, The Independent

Halima first smoked opium to dull the nightmares after her husband's violent death. He was shot at a checkpoint in front of her as they tried to flee fighting in Kabul, leaving her a widow at the age of 27 with three young children and a joyless ...

Many doctors turning into drug addicts, research ... editorial comment
07-September-2004, South Africa, Pretoria News

Exhausted, driven and with easy access to powerful drugs, many doctors are becoming addicts. These doctors are often terrified that their addictions will destroy their careers, so they keep mum about their habits. These were the findings of ...

Children to Get Jabs Against Drug Addiction
25-May-2004, United Kingdom, The Independent

A radical scheme to vaccinate children against future drug addiction is being considered by ministers, The Independent on Sunday can reveal. Under the plans, doctors would immunise children at risk of becoming smokers or drug users with an ...

Study: Chocolate, BBQ addiction may be real
21-April-2004, United States, Reuters

WASHINGTON -- People who say they are addicted to chocolate or pizza may not be exaggerating, U.S.-based scientists said Tuesday. A brain scan study of normal, hungry people showed their brains lit up when they saw and smelled their favorite ...

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