p thoughts and notices

Casual Criminals

We are all familiar by now with the stereotypical image of the drug addict, that wretched creature forever enslaved to some chemical or another, and forced to deal, steal or kill to feed the unshakable monkey off his back. However, the addict can at least satisfy himself with the knowledge that he is suffering from a disease, albeit a criminal one (more on that topic another day!) For example, The Nation Institute of Drug Abuse, in a paper titled: Oops: How Casual Drug Use leads to Addiction: describes drug addiction as a “brain disease”. As per this paper, “such brain diseases as stroke, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia, and clinical depression all have their behavioral and social dimensions. What is unique about the type of brain disease that results from drug abuse is that it starts out as voluntary behavior.” Interesting theory! Now, paraphernalia has its own view on this issue , and it is not exactly in synch with the good folks at the NIDA. In any case, the addict, despite being in jail, can take comfort in being called a sick person in need of treatment (well, she or he will be sick eventually, given the conditions prevailing in most prisons).

The people who have it tougher are casual drug users. On this topic, drug warriors are quite adamant. Sir Ian Blair, new head of Scotland Yard said, earlier this month, that “there were an increasing number of people who saw no harm in having the odd "wrap of charlie" at the weekend”. He also promised to make an example of casual users in an attempt to show that no one is above the law: "People think it is okay to use cocaine but I do not think it is okay. We will have to do something about it by making a few examples of people so that they understand." See Guardian's article (refer to paraphernalia).

This aggressive view towards casual drug users has been expounded before by several drug warrior luminaries. William Bennett, former Drug Czar once said: "Users who maintain a job and a steady income should face stiff fines...These are the users who should have their names published in local papers. They should be subject to driver's license suspension, employer notification, overnight or weekend detention, eviction from public housing, or forfeiture of the cars they drive while purchasing drugs." Paraphernalia never read Bennett’s Book of Virtues, but presumes the chapter on compassion was pretty thin….

Of course, Mr. Bennett had big shoes to fill. Famous conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh was pretty clear on this topic: "Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country. And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. And the laws are good because we know what happens to people in societies and neighborhoods which become consumed by them. And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up."

The fountainhead on this topic remains famed former Los Angeles Police Chief Daryl Gates, who recommended that drug users "be taken out and shot." After inventing SWAT, overseeing the LA riot, giving the LAPD one of the worst reputation in the US, and leaving in disgrace, Mr. Gates now work for Sierra, designing police video games (you cannot make this stuff up!).

Don’t forget that casual users are also helping terrorists as per the president of the United States

Interestingly, several of the people mentioned above have faced some form of drug or addiction problems. Mr. Bennett used to gamble a lot , but gambling is OK in his case, as he had it under control. Mr. Limbaugh used massive amount of oxycontin, but he is not a criminal; he is only fighting addiction. Mr Gates, upon learning of his son’s arrest for drug possession, mercifully decided not to kill him. You see, his little boy was an addict, not a dangerous casual drug user like you. As for GWB, his alleged use of cocaine has never been formally denied…..

So, casual users, it seems that the message from the authorities is quite clear. Become an addict fast; you might at least get some health benefits; free drugs in certain states and you won’t get shot by Mr. Gates, unless you are in one of his video games.

Ah! the logic of drug warriors….. Maybe the NIDA’s article should be titled: “Ooops, I did it Again!”

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