Deadly Decisions: Meth on the verge of getting out of control
date: 12-June-2005
editorial comment according to this article, meth has no positive effect whatsoever. Users decide to do it with the intention of smelling bad, losing their teeth and scatching their skin. The more ambitious are are in it for AIDS or stroke. Plus, it has no medical application. Well, paraphernalia would like to point out that this is absolutely untrue, as Desoxyn (which is meth) can be prescribed for children 7 and above for ADHD. One more lazy journalist getting all his info from the drug warriors......
Herald Staff Writer
A growing problem in Plainview and a focus of the strong arm of the law these days is methamphetamines -- simply known as “meth.”
It is a manmade drug that produces a high of approximately 8-24 hours. More than 50 percent of the drug is removed from the body within 12 hours and it has no medical use.
It is an illegal drug that stimulates the central nervous system and is commonly referred to as meth, speed, crank, ice and crystal.
Meth can be smoked, injected or snorted.
It increases metabolism with the user feeling an increased sense of alertness but also paranoia and aggression.
Users can be sleep deprived for up to 15 days during a binge and create a delusional state that causes them to become unpredictable and violent. They may be congenial and peaceful one moment and angry or terrified the next.
Some feel compelled to complete trivial tasks, such as taking apart and reassembling bits of machinery. At the end of a binge, the user will experience deep feelings of dysphoria and emptiness.
Another result of a user coming off a binge is falling into a deep, lifeless sleep for a period of 1-3 days. And when the user wakes, they are lethargic and have no energy.
Some symptoms of “tweakers” include bad body odor and breath, rotten teeth, rapid weight loss and loss of hair. Also, some users have what are referred to as “meth mites” which are sores on the skin caused by the high toxicity of the drug. The users think there are bugs under their skin and scratch them until open sores develop that sometimes get infected.
Other physical symptoms of meth use include increased heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and rate of breathing; dilated pupils; tremors; loss of appetite; seizures; nausea; vomiting and diarrhea.
For pregnant women on meth, premature labor can occur due to detachment of the placenta. Low birth weights with neurological damage to the newborns is common.
For intravenous users injecting the drugs, AIDS, hepatitis and sores at the point of injection are widespread. Infection of the lining of the heart and valves is another common symptom.
A significant number of users -- according to -- experience a stroke.
Approximately 48 recipes for meth are available and, depending on the recipe, the drug can come in rock, powder or ice/crystal form.
According to, “while cheap for the people who make it, meth is costly for taxpayers. The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigations estimates that it costs an average of $2,000 to clean up a lab. The OSBI spends $1 million on cleaning services each year.
“Methamphetamine trends across the United States are indicators of the rate of meth abuse, addiction, domestic violence and child abuse. The methamphetamine trends for each state has a direct correlation to the amount of meth seized by federal authorities.”
Officials say the frustrating thing about meth is how addictive it is. According to, in scientific studies done on meth users, the rehab rate is very low with 90 percent of those in treatment returning to the drug. Compare that number with a 90 percent addiction rate for first-time users and you have a monstrous problem.
At this time the most effective treatments for methamphetamine addiction are cognitive behavioral interventions. These approaches are designed to help modify the addict´s thinking, expectancies and behaviors and to increase skills in coping with various life stressors.
Usually, the addict will need some sort of negative reinforcement -- loss of job or house, divorce, intervention, homelessness -- to agree that they need help. The normal school of thought, according to most drug rehab centers, is that the addict needs to hit rock bottom, but it can be different for everyone.
Any person can be rehabilitated and any addict can overcome an addiction.
Most experts believe meth use is a terrible problem, even if it´s only a small problem. In Plainview, police and the judicial system are highly concerned about meth use here and believe the problem is on the verge of getting out of control.
The first step to solving that problem is admitting there is one and Plainview lawmen have done that. It´s time for the citizens of Plainview to step up and admit there is a problem and do something about it, they say.
When there is suspicious activity going on in your neighborhood or if you suspect a loved one or friend is using drugs, call Crime Stoppers at 293-TIPS (8477). You can report with confidentiality and police urge you to call with tips and information that can help solve the drug problem in your town.
In this series, Plainview lawmen will discuss the drug issue in more detail, centering around meth and other hard drugs.
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