Man gets life sentence for selling designer drugs online
date: 17-May-2005
source : NEWSDAY.COM
editorial comment
In the meantime, gun sellers can ply their ware pretty much everywhere, with no liability attached to the usage of their products. Somehow, guns don't kill, people do, while drugs kill, so we must arrest the seller (notwithstanding who pulled the trigger).
An Arizona man was sentenced to life in prison Tuesday for selling designer drugs over the Internet that led to the overdose death of a New York teenager.
David Linder, also known as Dr. Benway, was convicted in February of 27 counts, including drug conspiracy and money laundering. The federal jury found Linder was responsible for the death of Phillip Conklin, 18, of Hancock, N.Y. Authorities said Linder's sentencing was especially harsh because of the teenager's death.
Linder also was ordered to pay $700,000, the amount the government said he made selling the drugs.
Linder, 52, testified that the drugs he sold were "research chemicals" and not federally banned narcotics. But prosecutors said the chemicals were generic equivalents of hallucinogenic drugs such as Ecstasy.
Linder sold the drugs from a link off a landscaping supplies Web site. The link on the site led to a page titled "Research Chemicals."
Federal law prohibits possession and sale of analogous versions of illegal substances.
"This sentencing accurately reflects the tremendous harm caused by the defendant's drug trafficking," U.S. Attorney Paul J. McNulty said in a statement. "It also sends a clear warning of what may happen to anyone who pushes drugs over the Internet."
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