Jury to hear sordid tale of cop's kinky sex, drugs
date: 03-May-2005
editorial comment
Afew bad apples yet again, which makes paraphernalia wonders: Is there such a thing as a good apple?
By Tom Farmer
Tuesday, May 3, 2005 - Updated: 07:44 AM EST
A tale of kinky group sex and wife-swapping fueled by the voracious consumption of stolen drugs finally reached the bitter end when state police Sgt. Timothy White threatened to kill his wife before sticking the gun in his own mouth, prosecutors said yesterday.
In a dizzying summation of the allegations that seemed more suited to a Quentin Tarantino screenplay than a courtroom in staid Dedham Superior Court, prosecutors William Bloomer and Dean Mazzone convinced Judge Judith Fabricant to allow a jury to hear every sordid detail when White's trial begins today.
``The marriage disintegrated from drug use and sexual episodes,'' Bloomer said. ``The Whites were also participating in three-way sexual episodes that caused tension.''
Bloomer said White once encouraged his wife to have sex with a bouncer from a Boston nightclub only to have the encounter explode into a violent argument when Timothy White was rejected in an attempt to perform a sexual act on the man.
White, 42, is accused of abusing his wife, Maura, and stealing up to 27 pounds of cocaine as well as marijuana and ecstasy that he was supposed to destroy for the state police. The prosecutors said because of ``lax procedures'' that allowed White to steal the drugs, he and his wife began to deal large quantities of cocaine in the fall of 2002 with Robert Crisafulli, 49, of Hyde Park and Nancy White, a family friend of no relation, who all shared frequent group sex.
Bloomer played a harrowing 911 call Maura White made to Stoughton police in January 2003 in which she frantically described her husband threatening to kill both of them before crawling into bed with one of their young daughters while still clutching his gun.
``This is the last straw, Timmy,'' she gasps at one point. ``It's not my fault.''
Defense attorney Robert A. George will attack the credibility of Maura White, Crisafulli and Nancy White by letting the jury know that both ``drug-addicted'' women were given immunity from prosecution for their admitted cocaine trafficking while Crisafulli will receive a three- to five-year sentence instead of the mandatory 15 in exchange for his testimony.
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