Howard wants anti-drug role models
date: 24-February-2005
editorial comment
while we are looking for anti-politicians role models and mandatory term limits for MPs (how about that idea Mr. Howard?)
Michael Howard today called on celebrities to set a positive example for children by condemning drugs and backed the introduction of a minimum seven-year jail sentence for hard drug dealers on their third conviction.
The Tory leader said many parents would have been surprised by the media's coverage of pop star Pete Doherty's scrapes with the law and expressed incredulity that they had been made front-page news.
He made the comments as he set out his party's policy on drugs, and renewed his commitment to move cannabis back to Class B status if elected.
He also gave details of a private member's bill from Tory MP Nigel Evans which would hand drug dealers an automatic seven-year minimum sentence on their third hard drugs conviction.
"Today, more than ever, we need responsible role models for our children: professional athletes prepared to say drugs are wrong, pop stars willing to say drugs aren't cool, actors who make clear that drugs ruin lives," said Mr Howard.
"Because we all know that youngsters are more influenced than ever before by the celebrities they see on TV, the musicians they listen to and who are featured in magazines.
"Some in the media give the impression that drug-taking is cool; is it any wonder that children believe it is?"
He added: "I think many parents will have been rather surprised by the celebrity coverage given to Peter Doherty over the last month.
"Here you have a man who takes drugs and gets locked up, yet ends up on the front pages." Mr Howard said: "I think that people in the music industry can play a role. What we need are responsible role models and good role models."
On Mr Evans's bill, Mr Howard said: "I believe that anyone convicted for a third time of dealing hard drugs should receive an automatic seven-year minimum sentence.
"Drugs are wrong - and if you deal in them there will be a heavy price to pay.
"In recent years, that clear message has become shrouded in political correctness."
If elected, the Tories would also increase the number of residential rehab places for young people from 2,500 to 25,000, their leader said, claiming that would be enough to help 50,000 addicts a year.
"It will allow us over the course of a year to treat every young teenage drug addict in Britain," he said.
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