Dozen drinkers found to be using drugs
date: 15-August-2004
keyword: ABUSE
editorial comment
One day, someone will have to just say no to this. Kemp, this is not a successfull evening, this is a waste of time, taxpayers money, and an abvious way to ruin the lives of the people you test. South Africa has Nelson Mandela; Addlestone has you.
Twelve people tested positive to using illegal drugs in an Addlestone pub, after a new machine detected traces of substances.
Surrey Police officers tested 67 people, in the Crouch Oak pub, in Station Road, with the Iontrack Itemiser III, which uses swabs from people's skin to test for traces of all kinds of illegal drugs.
Officers from Woking and Addlestone spent Friday, July 30, at the pub, testing members of the public who went for a drink.
Mr Parshotam Singh Sohi, licencee of the Crouch Oak, expressed his delight at the success of the equipment.
He said: "This is an effective tool to help prevent drug users and supplies from entering these premises.
"I have received positive feedback from my customers about the police response to the problems associated with drugs, and they like the way there are tackling this issue with the new equipment.
"I think it is a good illustration of licencees working in partnership with the police to provide a real deterrent to drug users and suppliers in the area."
PC Scott Kemp, Drugs Liaison Officer, added: "We had a very successful evening and a very positive reaction, both from the customers and the management at the pub. We carried out 67 tests during the evening and 11 showed traces of cocaine and one showed traces of heroin.
"It illustrates that together with the licencees, we are cracking down on the use and sale of hard drugs, and reassures the public that they can feel safe and have a good time without worrying about drugs and the problems associated with drug use."
The Iontrack Trace Detector will be used on a regular basis at various venues including Addlestone, and if a positive swab is taken, and a further search reveals that a person is found in possession of a quantity of any substance suspected to be a controlled drug, they will be arrested and dealt with appropriately.
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