at what costs?   The Disease Model vs The Free-Will Model


The Disease Model

It's "its" fault; I'm not in control!!
Deny responsibility, fulfill your own prophecy

1. Most addicts don't know they have a problem and must be forced to recognise they are addicts.

2. Addicts cannot control themselves when they drink or take drugs.

3. The only solution to drug addiction and/or alcoholism is treatment.

4. Addiction is an all-or-nothing disease: A person cannot be a temporary drug addict with a mild drinking or drug problem.

5. The most important step in overcoming an addiction is to acknowledge that you are powerless and can't control it.

6. Abstinence is the only way to control alcoholism/drug addiction.

7. Physiology, not psychology, determines whether one drinker will become addicted to alcohol and another will not.

8. The fact that alcoholism runs in families means that it is a genetic disease.

9. People who are drug addicted can never outgrow addiction and are always in danger of relapsing.

Thinking About Drinking:
The Power of Self-Fulfilling Prophecies by Dr. Jeffrey A. Schaler
The Free-will Model

It's "my" fault; I am in control!!
Accept responsibility, stop whining, will yourself.

1. The best way to overcome addiction is to rely on your own willpower.

2. People can stop relying on drugs or alcohol as they develop other ways to deal with life.

3. Addiction has more to do with the environments people live in than with the drugs they are addicted to.

4. People often outgrow drug and alcohol addiction. Alcoholics and drug addicts can team to moderate their drinking or cut down on their drug use.

5. Alcoholics and drug addicts can learn to moderate their drinking or cut down on their druig use.

6. People become addicted to drugs/alcohol when life is going badly for them.

7. Drug addicts and alcoholics can find their own ways out of addiction, without outside help, given the opportunity.

8. Drug addiction is a way of life people rely on to cope with the world.

Thinking About Drinking:
The Power of Self-Fulfilling Prophecies by Dr. Jeffrey A. Schaler
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